We apply the following criteria in our materials design and facilitation/presentations:
Cooperation: This criterion is characterized by group work. It highlights learner-centeredness in cooperative learning situations/contexts. Classroom activities are interactive and maximum participation is ensured through individual, team and plenary activities.
Purpose: All learning has a purpose(s): outcomes are established for all learning. Materials, learning and teaching address outcomes specified in registered qualifications and unit standards.
Interest: Interesting methods, procedures, techniques, materials, contexts are used to assist learners.
Experience: Learners bring background knowledge (prior knowledge) to the learning; this underpins the experiential learning methods used and informs Recognized Prior Learning principles.
Variety: Variety refers to the wide range of methods, procedures, techniques, and materials used to help sustain interest.
Support: This refers to psychological support; learners are supported by creating an environment that is conducive to learning.
Holism: This refers to the integration of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values in natural and authentic contexts.